Dan and Melody have retired and closed DeVos Custom Woodworking. We want to thank our valued clients. It has been a pleasure to work with you and provide beautiful countertops and custom pieces over the last 30+ years.
Below, you can find a list of references who can help you with your custom woodworking project. These are all excellent woodworkers who do high quality work. They are presented in alphabetical order.
Bookmatched Walnut slab conference table with Walnut veneer pedestal bases.
Custom Conference Table using two Guanacaste Slabs with wane edges, age distrested ends and a cold rolled steel base with clear finish.
Custom Conference Table using bookmatched Walnut Slabs with wane edges and integrated power ports. A DeVos Commercial project.
Custom Conference Table project for DeVos Commercial using bookmatched Walnut Slabs with wane edges, a custom stain and a blackened steel base and river bed.
Custom Conference Table project for DeVos Commercial using bookmatched Walnut Slabs with wane edges, a custom stain and a blackened steel base and river bed.
Distressed face grain Walnut trestle style conference table a with Wenge inlay and pop up electrical grommet access. Through mortise and tenon jointery and hidden wire channels.
Conference table using bookmatched Walnut slabs with a custom engraved logo filled with a black tinted epoxy and Walnut Burl Veneer pedestal bases.
Conference table featuring Walnut veneers, solid Walnut edging, integrated electrical outlets, and Walnut veneered pedestal bases. A DeVos Commercial project.
Large conference table featuring walnut veneers and solid wood with a custom mixed stain and holes cut for pop-up electrical outlets. A DeVos Commercial project.
A large conference table base made of Walnut solids and veneers for a DeVos Commercial project.