Dan and Melody have retired and closed DeVos Custom Woodworking. We want to thank our valued clients. It has been a pleasure to work with you and provide beautiful countertops and custom pieces over the last 30+ years.
Below, you can find a list of references who can help you with your custom woodworking project. These are all excellent woodworkers who do high quality work. They are presented in alphabetical order.
Use this form to request information about a countertop, island top, or butcher block you may be interested in. Please provide as many details about the top as possible.
Since every top is unique, detailed information, including plans, specs, or hand drawings are always helpful and may be required before we can provide a quote for a custom top. Square foot pricing can sometimes be provided as a ball-park figure, but detailed information is required for an actual quote. Specs or drawings may be attached to this form or they may be e-mailed to us at info@devoswoodworking.com or faxed to (512) 532-6365.
Again, please provide as much information as possible. We will typically be in touch within 2 business days.