Mesquite Parquet-Style Wood Island Countertop with Integrated Stainless Steel Trivet Hard Maple Wood Island Countertop with Integrated Knife Block

We have closed for retirement!

Dan and Melody have retired and closed DeVos Custom Woodworking. We want to thank our valued clients. It has been a pleasure to work with you and provide beautiful countertops and custom pieces over the last 30+ years.

Below, you can find a list of references who can help you with your custom woodworking project. These are all excellent woodworkers who do high quality work. They are presented in alphabetical order.

Custom Integrated Options

One of the things that makes wood so magnificent as a countertop material is the ability to customize it. Whether customizing for convenience, utility, or aesthetics, the possibilities are endless.....

Many decisions go into making a custom wood top. The staff at DeVos Custom Woodworking is experienced in helping you to achieve a design that will meet and exceed expectations for you or your clients.

Trash holes and Hand Carved Trash Lids

Trash holes are a useful addition to a wood countertop allowing scraps to be swept directly into a trash recepticle. Hand carved trash lids are also functional while providing a hand crafted appeal to the countertop.

Stainless Steel Trivet Options

Stainless Steel Grids or Stainless Steel Balls serve as a built-in hot plate on your wood countertop. Grids or Balls are formed into a pattern on the wood countertop. They extend about 1/4" above the top and are removable for cleaning.

Integrated Drainboards

Integrated drain boards help to ensure that moisture does not collect on your countertop. These routed drain boards may be flat or they may be sloped to provide better drainage.

Knife Blocks and Integrated Knife Slots

Knife slots, knife blocks, or removable knife holders may be integrated into your countertop or island top.

Inset Chopping Blocks

Chopping blocks can be permanently built-in or they may be removable. These blocks provide a specific work area on your wood countertop.

Granite / Marble Inserts

These inserts serve as a built-in surface for rolling pie crusts, kneading bread dough, and other baking functions.

Jatoba Wood Island Countertop with Integrated Trash Hole and Hand Carved Trash Lid