Wood Slab and Button Countertops, Island Tops, and Table Tops
Island Tops, Countertops and Table Tops made from wood slabs or buttons are one of a kind works of art! Especially when constructed with live/wane edges. The shape of the wood slab helps to dictate the shape of the final wood top giving a unique and earthy appeal. Tops made with bookmatched slabs provide additional visual appeal in the symmetry of the swirls and grain patterns.
Each slab and button top is unque. They range in size with some slabs being large enough to make a dining table from a single board! Slabs and locally sourced wood (Texas Walnut, Texas Pecan, etc) are always more colorful than the typical Walut or Pecan purchased from most mills.
Describe book-batched boards here.... Also need to decide on terminology to use for "Live", "Natural", or "Wane" edges... What will people search on?
Click on a link below for examples of:
Rough slabs with their finished tops
Slabs in their rough form
Finished Wood Slab Countertops, Island Tops, and Table Tops
Many slab and button countertops incorporate wane or live edges while others have typical countertop shapes. Click on the Wane/Live edges page to learn more about this type of edge shaping.