We have closed for retirement!

Dan and Melody have retired and closed DeVos Custom Woodworking. We want to thank our valued clients. It has been a pleasure to work with you and provide beautiful countertops and custom pieces over the last 30+ years.

Below, you can find a list of references who can help you with your custom woodworking project. These are all excellent woodworkers who do high quality work. They are presented in alphabetical order.

Care and Maintenance of your Custom Wood Countertop

Wood is a natural material that is subject to changes in moisture and temperature. It moves and changes ever so slightly when exposed to humidity, heat, and cold. Wood countertops are also durable, beautiful, easy to use. If you follow our simple instructions for handling, installing, and maintaining your wood countertop, it will look great and last for generations.

Receiving and storing your wood countertop prior to installation

Wood countertop in crate

It is important to uncrate your top immediately upon receipt. If the top is not going to be installed right away, it must be properly stored to enable air flow and allow the finish to complete the curing process.

See our directions for receiving and storing your wood countertop for detailed information.

Installing your wood countertop

Wood moves in response to temperature and humidity changes. This is normal with natural materials such as wood. To ensure that your wood countertop has the ability to move as needed, it is important that it is installed properly.

See our directions for Installing your Wood Countertop for detailed information.

Wood Countertop Finishes

Properly sealed wood countertops are waterproof, heat resistant, and stain resistant. All wood finishes used by DeVos Custom Woodworking are safe for food contact. ICA® finish is offers maximum durability and protection. The Waterlox® finish is also a durable finish for wood tops. These are tough finishes, but are not recommended for chopping surfaces. The Tung Oil/Citrus finish is a penetrating finish that cures and protects the top and is the go-to finish for chopping surfaces.

For detailed information about these finishes, see our Wood Finishes page.

Care and Maintenance of your wood countertop

Wood countertops are easy to clean with hot tap water and liquid dishwashing soap, and easy to disinfect with a weak solution of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Other cleaning products can be used on tops that have an ICA® finish but need to be avoided with other finishes.

See our Care and Maintenance page for instructions on how to care for your wood top.